East Bay Drainage Installation

Carty Perez Construction Inc.
If you need essential drainage issues resolved at your home or property then let the pros at Carty Perez Construction handle your job. We have been working with homeowners since 1986 to make sure their drainage construction is done right, protects their homes for the long haul, and gives them piece of mind when the rains come each year. Below you find a list of the various services we perform with regard to drainage solutions that protect your home.
- French drain design and install- French drains are essentially perforated pipes buried in a gravel filled trench that disperse drain water.
- Residential and Commercial Drainage Installation– Carty Perez Construction installs water drainage systems for home and commercial real estate.
- Sump Pump Installation– For homes with basements that regularly accumulate water, Carty Perez Construction recommends the installation of a Sump Pump to pump out the excess. This will keep you safe from water infiltration when storm events happen or excess water hits your foundation/basement area.
- Roof drains pipe systems- Carty Perez Construction will install a roof drain pipe system along the edges of your home’s roof that collects water coming off you your roof during rains. The water is sent down a downspout, and routed away from the houses foundation.
- Basement Waterproofing – This includes drainage and sealers to keep water from seeping into the basement.
- Basement Water– Some basements are built below the existing water table, and are susceptible to collecting water or excess moisture. This problem can be dealt with by installing a proper basement drainage system, and waterproofing the basement walls.
- Foundation Waterproofing– We use an exterior concrete and masonry wall damp -proofing to seal out moisture and prevent corrosion. Normally looks like black tar. Proper drainage is the key to keeping the foundation dry, so Carty Perez Construction will install a good drainage system around your existing foundation.
- Water Drainage- Water is a primary cause of damage to your home’s foundation. Standing water can undermine the foundation, and cause damage to the whole house. Carty Perez Construction will install a proper water drainage system for your home to prevent foundation problems.
- Drain tile- For areas that have lots of standing water, an underground drain tile system should be installed to keep the water moving away from the home. The drain tile system works with gravity to collect water and eventually let it run into a collection point.
- Drainage inspection- Proper drain inspection to isolate problem issues is essential for preventing water damage.
- Sub terrain drains-
- Storm drains – Storm drains are designed to collect large amounts of water that collect on road or parking lots
- Solutions for wet crawl space– Carty Perez Construction will inspect your crawl space, and determine the best solution for draining any dampness or standing water.
- Surface water collection – Carty Perez Construction will install a system to drain collected surface water that results from storms.
- Catch basins- Carty Perez Construction will install catch basins to catch any materials that might flow into the sewage system, and also install reservoirs for water collection.
- Drain channel installation- Carty Perez Construction installs drainage to move water away from structures.
- Erosion control – Carty Perez Construction will assess the property, and install a system of concrete v ditches that will prevent soil erosion that could undermine the structure or property.
- Battery backup systems design and install
As you can see from the list of drainage services we provide there is little about drainage that we don’t cover with our team of qualified pros. If your home or business needs protection from water incursion then you need the experience our team provides to get the job done right, on time, and when you need it done before the water comes flooding into your property.